erin’s blog for nina


Posted in Uncategorized by Erin Dollar on November 25, 2008




Did I ever share the work of Shana and Robert ParkeHarrison with you? It’s very possible that I didn’t. I found them in McHenry library my sophmore year, and literally kept the monograph (called The Architect’s Brother) checked out for the next three years. I have no idea how I was never fined a single dime for that book (but countless others…) I hoarded this book like it was my personal secret, and actually guarded it somewhat fiercely. I brought it up to the printmaking studio a few times to look at while I was working, and I remember shoving it back into my bag when a girl I didn’t know very well asked me about it. I barely wanted to share this discovery with friends, let alone strangers.

Well, now I’m realizing that this was a big mistake. Not only was I doing the artists a disservice, but in the past few years, I’ve found that when I share my discoveries (both the things I find and my ideas) the wealth comes back to me. People are more likely to share their discoveries with you if you share first. So here I go, sharing something I wanted to keep for myself, in hopes that someone will share something equally interesting with me.




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  1. jessica said, on November 26, 2008 at 10:19 am

    erin dollar, i would love to share random ass things i find on the internet with you.

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